API documentation

Request type - GET

Station status

  • 00 - closing
  • 01 - closed
  • 10 - opening
  • 11 - opened

Station (/api/station?token=INSECURE-11111-11111-11111-11111)

Get info

&request=ping - ping request. If connection is OK and all services works, returns pong.

&request=getAruco - returns current station Aruco Marker ID

&request=getStatus - returns current station status

Edit info

&request=setStatus&status=XX, where XX - status (can be 01 and 11). Returns 1 if done without errors, else 0.

Flight (/api/flight?token=INSECURE-11111-11111-11111-11111)

Get info

&request=ping - ping request. If connection is OK and all services works, returns pong

&request=getStation - return ID of empty working station

&request=getAruco&id=XX, where XX - station ID. Returns station Aruco Marker ID

&request=getStatus&id=XX, where XX - station ID. Returns status of station

Edit info

&request=orderStation&id=XX, where XX - station ID. Returns 1 if station have been ordered without errors, else 0

&request=vacateStation&id=XX, where XX - station ID. Returns 1 if station have been vacated without errors, else 0

&request=setStatus&id=XX&status=YY, where XX - station ID, YY - status (can be 00 and 10). Returns 1 if done without errors, else 0